Tag Archives: truckers

Enrollment First, Inc. CEO to Speak at CLDA Event

Hazen Foilage Blur

Hazen Mirts, President and CEO of Enrollment First, has been selected to speak at the Customized Logistics & Delivery Associaton’s event – People, Processes & Profitability

on Oct. 11, 2013 in Kansas City, MO


KNOXVILLE, Tennessee – Hazen Mirts, President and CEO of Enrollment First, Inc., has been invited to speak at the Customized Logistics & Delivery Association’s (CLDA) event titled “People, Processes & Profitability.” Mirts, the driving force behind the Affordable Care Act Tax and Benefit Compliance Solution, WellMEC™, plans to speak on the multitude of new rules and regulations that logistics and delivery companies and individuals must comply with.