Hazen Mirts, founder and CEO of Enrollment First, Inc., has been invited to speak at the Florida Messengers Association’s annual Winter Meeting on January 25 in Orlando, Florida.
The theme of this year’s Winter Meeting is “Taking the Business Gamble,” and as an individual contractor, planning a business model with the Affordable Care Act in mind is certainly a gamble not to take lightly.
Mirts, the industry expert on health insurance, will discuss the Affordable Care Act, how it affects the industry, and the options available specifically for individuals.
“I’m done with this doom and gloom message,” Mirts said. “I want people to know their options, to know that they have choices. They don’t have to face a penalty, and they don’t have to rely entirely on the government.”
Mirts recommends looking into guarantee issue major medical to individuals that have yet to decide on which health care plan to choose. Some could very likely qualify for a government subsidy to help alleviate the cost.
“An individual making $20,000 a year after write-offs with a family can qualify for a government subsidy that will make their health care plan free at the bronze level and drastically discounted at the silver level and up,” Mirts said. “Most individuals don’t realize this, and I’m here to help spread the word.”